Wednesday, 12 March, 2025
+977-1-4521241, 4510659

Deposit Guarantee

निक्षेप सुरक्षण
  1. DCGF guarantees the deposit of the natural person depositors upto Rs. 5 lakhs held with the commercial banks and financial institutions licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank.
  2. The premium rate is 0.16 percentage calculated annually and paid on quarterly basis at the rate of 0.04 percentage calculated on the basis of average deposit amount of last three months of the quarter.
  3. In case of banks/financial institutions' liquidation, the concerned liquidator prepares the list of depositors to be compensated and send it to the DCGF.
  4. As per the liquidator's list of depositors, DCGF pays the compensation  amount to the concerned depositors through the liquidator.

Member Institutions

  • A Class Commercial Banks - 20
  • B Class Development Banks - 17
  • C Class Fincance Companies - 17
  • D Class Micro Finance Institutions - 2

Member institutions list